Gen Zs in the Workplace???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? The fresh ...Blog-Bernard Lee-August 4, 2023
The Bright Side to LayoffsThe Bright Side to Layoffs With the economic recession looming over us in 2023, losing your job is a genuine and terrifying possibility. You...Blog-Bernard Lee-July 31, 2023
Mid-Year Goals Check-InMid-Year Goals Check-In: Reflect, Refocus and Realign As we bid farewell to June and welcome the second half of the year, let’s take t...Blog-Bernard Lee-July 3, 2023
Know your work values to improve your job satisfactionKnow Your Work Values, Improve Job Satisfaction Choosing a job is a challenging task. You’ll be spending at least 40 hours a week at work,...Blog-Bernard Lee-June 1, 2023
Introverts, Extroverts & the ones in-betweenIntroverts, Extroverts and the Ones In-Between at the Workplace Contrary to popular belief, extroverts aren’t always loud and confiden...Blog-Bernard Lee-May 29, 2023
What the way you dress for work says about youHow you dress for work says much more about you than you realise. Even with the proliferation of remote work, what you wear significantly im...Blog-Bernard Lee-April 10, 2023
The Right Dress Code for every Work OccasionAs part of your job, you might be required to attend work events with dress codes that don’t seem to be all that clear at first glance. Ha...Blog-Bernard Lee-March 1, 2023
Why Body Language is so ImportantEloquent and charisma are common misnomers for success in the workplace. You don’t need to be eloquent or charismatic in order to be good ...Blog-Bernard Lee-February 1, 2023
Reading & using the right Body Language at workBody language allows you to communicate your intentions and feelings through facial expressions, gestures, postures and other movement-based...Blog-Bernard Lee-January 9, 2023
3 Habits That Will Decrease Your Work ProductivityIn our efforts to be more productive at work, we often focus more on what we can do to be more efficient at work and forget about the work h...Blog-Bernard Lee-November 29, 2021