Our Expert Consultants

Ashley Lee
Senior Manager
Ashley is a highly experienced recruiter with a tertiary background in Marketing & E-commerce, and a proven track record spanning over a decade in managing the full life cycle of the recruitment process.
She started off her career in handling IT recruitment working with MNCs in identifying talents and providing quality staffing solutions. She currently specialises in functional areas of IT, Accounting, Marketing and Management positions in the Telecommunication and Manufacturing industries.
Prior to joining People Profilers in 2011, Ashley pioneered and managed a team of consultants with a leading recruitment firm.
She won the Top Individual Sales Award for Management Staffs in 2015.
There are few who can claim to really love what they do; Ashley is one of those lucky few. With over a decade of experience in recruitment, Ashley has done it all. Currently a manager, she worked as a recruitment consultant for some time (picking up a top individual sales award along the way), managed a team under a leading recruitment firm, and has now spent the last 6 years with People Profilers.
While she is experienced and versatile, Ashley is currently focused on recruitment for the functional areas of IT, accounting, marketing. She also engages candidates for management positions in telecommunication and manufacturing firms. She reports that the key concern of hirers is the subsequent retention of top talent. Ashley believes that retention shouldn’t be a concern if the employer and employee have their goals aligned from day one. To help her clients find such candidates, Ashley operates as the eyes and ears of her clients, acting in their best interest, scouring and sourcing for them. Especially for management positions and long term contracts, Ashley makes a very deliberate effort to understand candidates career aspirations to ensure that her clients can indeed provide what the candidate is looking for.
As much as we would like to think so, Ashley tells us that there is rarely a match made in heaven for both parties. Nearing the end phase of negotiations, Ashely makes it a point to manage the expectations of both client and candidate. She advises candidates on the current hiring complexities that the hirer must observe, as well as market situations. In this way, both the client and the new employee are able to begin working on the same page.
Ashley has observed that hirers frequently feel that there is a talent shortage, while candidates often feel that there aren’t enough job openings. Surely these cant both be true! Ashley encourages both parties to be persistent, and with the help and expertise of recruiters, finding the right match may not be that difficult after all.