Our Expert Consultants

Debbie So
Senior Chief Consultant
She started her recruitment career in 2007 before joining People Profilers in 2009 and is currently managing a team of Consultants.
She is focused on search and selection for functional areas of sales & marketing, Finance, HR and operation positions in the Information Technology, Logistics/Freight Forwarding and Oil & Gas industries.
Debbie is a pragmatic worker. Never the sort to boast of her accomplishments or tout her workload, Debbie operates effectively and purposefully. Undoubtedly, Debbie’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. This manager has been with People Profilers for coming on to 9 years now.
As no-nonsense as she herself is, Debbie’s areas of speciality are equally so – logistics, oil and gas, and IT. Not unsurprisingly, as the job scopes in these industries can be quite demanding, her clients face high turnover rates. Those high performers who can bear the load are frequently approached by competitors. This leads to a driving up of wages that the client can’t always meet. Debbie never fails to do her homework before undertaking a job, and her well researched approach allows her to succinctly suggest salary ranges that are presciently able to balance the expectations of candidate and client.
Debbie borrows a page out of her client’s competitor’s handbook, and sometimes sources candidates from the competitors themselves. She encourages her candidates to perform research as she does, so as to better understand what job they’re getting into. In doing these things, Debbie ensures that she only recommends the highest calibre candidates to her clients, and when the time comes, that the recommended candidate is well prepared.
Debbie encourages candidates to work smart, on top of working hard. Knowing what employers are looking for can oftentimes be the best way to put your best foot forward.